A long time ago in a galaxy that looked a lot like Anaheim, my good friend John Mosby took a chance and gave me the gig that turned into a writing career. Eleven years later I’m still cranking out articles for Impact, the Global Action Entertainment Magazine, which John edits and contributes a massive amount of …
Tag: Movies
Remember in “Holding Out for a Hero,” when Bonnie Tyler belted out, “Where’s the street-wise Hercules to fight the rising odds?” As of Tuesday, June 2, he’s only as far away as wherever DVDs are rented and sold … and his name isn’t Vin Diesel or Paul Walker. International action star (and author and producer …
Best Christian Bale interview EVER!
I’m sorry I’ve not written much here lately, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t been writing — I’ve been cranking out lots of things I’ll be able to talk about at a later date. In the meantime, do you remember this article from my old website? Spectacularly hilarious and awesome. Well, Christian Bale has been …