Tag: Movies

Captain America news keeps coming

The woods behind my parents’ house in Elizabeth, Indiana, were home to some of the most ridiculous superhero movies that never happened, all of them starring me, and all of them made up by me as I went along. I spent lots of time zipping between trees in my Captain America Underoos, slinging around a …

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Captain America to be cast soon?

So says director Joe Johnston to SCI FI Wire: “We need to cast it soon,” Johnston said. “We have a very short list, but we’re still juggling actors here. I’d say within the next couple of weeks we’ll have ourselves a Captain America, I hope.” (Shooting begins at the end of June for release on …

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Nevsky News Update #1 for 2010

Alexander Nevsky — the actor, author, producer, and bodybuilder with whom my writing partner Kevin Rice and I are scripting what’s going to beĀ one hell of a Hercules movie — is beginning his 2010 as busy as always. Yesterday he began rehearsals for his upcoming stint on the Russian version of Dancing with the Stars, …

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