Tag: Comics

Reviews: Detective #872, The Dark Knight #1

As hosted by our good friend Bill “Jett” Ramey, the hardest working Batman fan on the planet in this or any other year, on Batman on Film: Review: Detective Comics #872 Review: Batman: The Dark Knight #1 Detective #872 is another A+ effort by new writer Scott Snyder, but having read The Dark Knight #1 …

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Review: Streets of Gotham #18

Click on over to Batman on Film to read my review of Streets of Gotham #18. If you’re only reading this for Paul Dini’s Heart of Hush sequel, House of Hush, you’re probably better off waiting for a collected edition as this 30-page issue only contains 10 pages of Batman. The rest of the book …

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Batman and Spider-Man get Golden Globe nods

Congratulations to my favorite Batman ever, Christian Bale, and upcoming Spider-Man stars Andrew Garfield (Peter Parker) and my girlfriend Emma Stone (Gwen Stacy) for scoring Golden Globe nominations, which were announced this morning. (And thanks to Field Agent Mallory for the tip!) Bale got his nod for his universally critically acclaimed supporting role in The …

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