Brendon Connelly from Bleeding Cool was recently invited to sit in on a podcast interview with Christopher Nolan’s cinematographer, Wally Pfister, who’s currently preparing to shoot The Dark Knight Rises in May. Pfister answered a few questions about the film in as appropriately vague a way as possible, including some tantalizing talk about Anne Hathaway …
Tag: Comics
Henry Cavill is our new Superman!
So, there’s a scene in THE COUNT OF MONTE CRISTO where Jim Caviezel’s Count delivers a stirring birthday toast to young Albert Mondego, played by Henry Cavill, after witnessing the boy’s selfless courage against assailants in the dark catacombs below Rome. “Life is a storm, my young friend,” the Count begins. “You will bask in …
Review: Detective Comics #873
Hosted by our good friend Bill “Jett” Ramey on Batman on Film! Click the link to read the review. And how awesome is that cover? Also, this issue is amazing. New writer Scott Snyder is the future of Batman in comics if DC will let him be.