I love Superman. I love fatty cheeseburgers bursting with bacon, bacon, bacon. I love this commercial. More at Modern Myth Media!
Tag: Comics
MAN OF STEEL trailer #4 reveals the “Fate of Your Planet”
Fate of my planet? Fate of my planet? I’ll tell you something about the fate of my planet! On June 14, we’re going to get the most amazing movie of the year! THAT is the fate of my planet! BOOM!
New Norton videos profile Superman’s powers
Once you outlast the Norton advertisement at the tops of these spots, you’ll see a little bit of new footage and some really nice interview snippets with Henry Cavill (Superman), Russell Crowe (Jor-El), Kevin Costner (Jonathan Kent), Diane Lane (Martha Kent), director Zack Snyder, and producers Deborah Snyder and Charles Roven. Speed: Flight: Strength: